on Nov 21, 2015
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The compass circle and horizontal and vertical circles are made with .5mm thick pure silver inlayed and engraved on the cast bronze rings Transit weights 13 1/2 pounds and is made of non magnetic metals excepting the compass needle The stadia cross hairs are triple horizontal type made of black widow spider web and come into sharp focus smoothly Instrument in glass dome is 17 1/2" high and dome is 10" diameter of an inch at a distance of 11,000 yds Most of the materials and techniques that would have made it more feasible to build had yet to be invented One type came divided in feet and fractions and was used for leveling and one type came with stadia lines and was used for distance measurement They were able to overcome all the challenges of creating the ultimate engineering tool by superb mastery of available materials and techniques and a great deal of creativity The dividing engine used by Berger is located in working order at the Lansing Michigan Surveying Museum
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